
If You Say Telangana, We Will ‘Encounter’ You

Pic: Kakatiya University students protesting in front of Subedari Police Station demanding immediate release of arrested student leaders.

Telangana students, who are in the forefront of the statehood agitation, were targeted yet again by state police department. Reminding the infamous February 14th assault on Osmania University students, the Warangal police have brutalized the Kakatiya University students.

About 20 students, who conducted a dharna in front of state IT minister Ponnala Laxmaiah were taken into custody yesterday and were severely tortured by the police.

Dr. Yakub Reddy, a student leader was critically injured as a result of this torture and is currently undergoing treatment in a hospital.

Several TRS and JAC leaders who went to the Subedari police station to question the police atrocity were arrested by the police.

Arrested students say that the DSP has warned them that they should stop participating in the Telangana agitation or they would be killed in an encounter.

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