
Harish Rao files case on CM Kiran

TRS legislator T Harish Rao has filed a petition in the High Court challenging the GOs issued by Kiran Kumar Reddy government for the drinking water project in Chittoor district, with an outlay of Rs 7,390 crore.

The MLA alleged that the impugned orders were issued keeping Kiran Reddys political future in view and not in public interest. As the state Cabinet is divided on regional lines, there is no possibility of getting its approval for the project. Knowing this, the CM had taken the backdoor, he said.

He submitted that the government, vide GO 14, dated October 4 this year, accorded administrative approval for Rs 4,300 crore for phase-I of the project and also issued GO 15, approving procurement and constitution of committees for the project.

The executive head of the state cannot be allowed to misuse authority and splurge public funds, Harish said. A representation has already been made to the chief secretary requesting him not to issue orders contrary to the budget and government business rules, but there is no response, he added.

Harish Rao pointed out that the managing director of the AP Infrastructure Corporation is proceeding hastily to grant the project works to a chosen few and grant 10 percent mobilisation advance to successful bidders, he alleged.

The TRS MLA urged the court to suspend the GOs and stay all further proceedings relating to the project.

The chief secretary, principal secretaries of infrastructure and investment, finance and planning and rural water supply and the vice-chairman and managing director of AP Infrastructure Corporation were also named as respondents.

[The New Indian Express]

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