
CPI’s national conference to pass ‘Telangana’ resolution

Communist Party of India MLA Sambasiva Rao on Monday announced that his party would pass a resolution demanding formation of Telangana State in the 21st national conference to be held in Patna on March 27.

Talking to media persons at Assembly media point, Sambasiva Rao said that the party would intensify its agitation for Telangana State after moving a resolution in the party’s national conference. Stating that the development of the State has suffered due to the delaying tactics of the Centre on bifurcation of State, he said that the people were facing a lot of problems. While the youth are losing job opportunities, the industrialists are shifting to other places in search of green pastures for establishing their units, he said.

The CPI MLA suggested that the State Government come forward to resolve the Telangana State issue in the House and take necessary steps in that direction. Condemning the suicide of MBA student Bojya Naik in Warangal, he appealed to the youth not to resort to extreme steps and agitate for the statehood in a peaceful manner. [INN]

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