
All gas, no facts in ET story

As the Telangana formation is put on fast-track by UPA, Seemandhra money bags have unleashed another wave of anti-Telangana propaganda, using their pals in National & Local media.

Economic Times has ran a shameless smear campaign on TRS party today. This is the second day, that the Times Group has published articles, which deliberately misquote the TRS memorandum to GoM. [Read: Biased media’s one last circus!]

In the latest news article, Economic Times correspondent CR Sukumar lies shamelessly that TRS has demanded a “share” in oil & gas revenue from KG-D6 Basin. Now anyone with minimum general knowledge or common sense would not dare to write such a big lie. But it looks like Seemandhra money bags have paid the journo handsomely to write this nonsensical crap.

Lets see how many lies ET Correspondent CR Sukumar writes in his news report:

– First, there is nothing called as KG-D6 Basin in Seemandhra. There is a KG Basin (Krishna-Godavari Basin) in which there is a D6 Block. But in the mad rush to throw some mud on TRS party, ET correspondent comes up with a “KG-D6 Basin”.

See D6 Block location in the map given below:

– Second, Oil and Natural gas resources are controlled by Union Government. They are not AP state government assets to be partitioned during state division.

The KG-D6 Block is operated by Reliance Industries Limited, which has 60 per cent stake, while BP and Canada’s Niko Resources own 30 per cent and 10 per cent, respectively.

So, If CR Sukumar or Economic Times editors have any common sense, they would not print this absurd news that TRS has demanded a “Share” in KG Basin D6 Block.

– Third and the most important thing is what TRS requested in its memorandum to GoM. This is what TRS has asked for:

“A fair share in hydrocarbons (in KG Basin) to Telangana would help it bridge its yawning historic energy gap”

Some gas based power projects are coming up in Telangana region (Eg: Shankarpally). In its memorandum to GoM, TRS merely requested for allotment of KG Basin gas for upcoming gas based power plants in Telangana. Natural gas has been allocated to several industries and power projects in AP. All these industries pay a market rate for this gas. Even gas allocated to Telangana power projects, would have to be purchased at market price.

But this paid journo completely twists the facts and comes up with some weird propaganda story.

Our request to ET Editors: Please stop publishing such paid crap immediately. Else your organization’s credibility will take a serious hit.

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